Jj is for jellyfish 🪼 Preschool enjoyed learning the letter Jj this week by making a jellyfish and eating jellybeans!
8 days ago, Kristi Nelson
Girls District 3-B wrestling action begins at 4:00 P.M. this afternoon in Pierce and will continue on the mats tomorrow. The top 4 wrestlers in each weight class will move on to the Nebraska State Wrestling Tournament to be held February 18-19th in Omaha. Good luck Jenni & Kiya! 💪🏼 🤼‍♀️ Live stream scheduled at: https://team1sports.com/highschool/ne/?S=piercebluejays
8 days ago, Emerson-Hubbard Community Schools
girls district wrestling at Pierce
Good luck to our Wolfpack Speech Team as they compete at the Wakefield Sweet Meet today! The meet began at 8 AM with 2 rounds and finals with awards following.
8 days ago, Emerson-Hubbard Community Schools
wakefield speech meet
TCNE girls basketball team is traveling to Creighton this afternoon for L&C Conference tourney action. Tip-off vs Walthill is set for 4:30. Good luck Wolfpack! Game is scheduled to be live streamed on Creighton FanHudl at: https://fan.hudl.com/usa/ne/creighton/organization/6126/creighton-high-school For updated conference brackets visit the L&C Conference website at: https://sites.google.com/rcards.org/lewisclarkconference/home
9 days ago, Emerson-Hubbard Community Schools
girls conference bb at Creighton at 4:30
conference tourney bracket
TCNE Wolfpack JH Basketball teams are traveling to Wakefield this afternoon to face the Trojans. Girls A team will tip-off at 3:00 P.M. in the main gym followed by Boys A at approximately 4 P.M. B team action will begin with Girls B at approximately 4:30 in the Activity Center Gym followed by Boys B at approximately 5:15 P.M. Games will not be live streamed. Good luck JH Pack!
11 days ago, Emerson-Hubbard Community Schools
JH basketball at wakefield 3 pm
Congratulations to our Energy Bus Students of the Week for January 27, 2025!
12 days ago, Emerson-Hubbard Elementary
Energy Bus Students of the Week - Week of January 27, 2025
Elementary Families, Our school-wide book reading starts today! Every elementary student will be coming home with a book and reading calendar to follow. We hope you enjoy this special reading time with your families!
13 days ago, Carly Roeber
Chocolate Touch
The Wolfpack speech team traveled to Hartington on Saturday. Competing were Mia - Varsity Informative Gabe - Varsity Humorous Gabe & Tucker - Varsity Duet Acting
13 days ago, Kami Murphy
Hartington speech meet
Hartington speech meet
Hartington speech meet
Hartington speech meet
Hartington speech meet
It's a busy Saturday for Wolfpack activities! Today the Speech team is competing at the Hartington-Newcastle Meet, JH Girls A team is at the Ponca tournament, and Boys wrestlers are on the mats in Plainview. Later this afternoon Lewis & Clark Conference basketball action begins. Girls are traveling to Walthill to take on Winnebago at 4:30 and boys head to Bloomfield to face the Bees at 6:00. Basketball and wrestling competitions scheduled to live stream on FanHudl-Ponca, Plainview, and Bloomfield along with Walthill School YouTube. Good luck Wolfpack teams!
14 days ago, Emerson-Hubbard Community Schools
Wolfpack activities
Vv is for Valentine 💌 Preschool made Valentine dogs this week. We had fun counting how many hearts we used to make this cute dog! How many do you see?
15 days ago, Kristi Nelson
Good luck to our TCNE Wolfpack Junior High basketball teams as they take on the Cedar Catholic Knights in Hartington this afternoon. At 3:00 Girls A will tip-off in the Activity Center Gym and Boys B in the Trinity Gym. At 4:00 Boys A team in the Activity Gym and Girls B team in the Trinity Gym. Go Pack Go!
16 days ago, Emerson-Hubbard Community Schools
Community members looking to take advantage of our revived industrial tech classes should fill out the Woodshop Project Application Form to see if a project you need done can be completed by our students! Click here to access the application form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeoU2PI_DzzlEjHNmwwluqTihynT5CIee5OoEU4Fd7OW1XokA/viewform?usp=dialog If you have any questions contact Mr. Eriksen at beriksen@ehpirates.org
17 days ago, Emerson-Hubbard Community Schools
wood shop
Good luck to our 5-8 grader students, Inga, Abe, Drayden, and Bella, as they compete at the Dixon County Spelling Bee held in Allen at 1:30 P.M. this afternoon!
18 days ago, Emerson-Hubbard Community Schools
spelling bee
Thank you Ed and Cultural Connections for providing 3rd-6th grade students with a great opportunity yesterday to learn about and create ledger art.
18 days ago, Emerson-Hubbard Elementary
Ledger Art Workshop on January 27th
Ledger Art Workshop on January 27th
Ledger Art Workshop on January 27th
Ledger Art Workshop on January 27th
Ledger Art Workshop on January 27th
Ledger Art Workshop on January 27th
January 26th-February 1st is Nebraska School Board Recognition Week. We are grateful for our dedicated Emerson-Hubbard Community Schools Board of Education this week and every week! Thank you to Joani, Kip, Tricia, Scott, Ryan, and Ashley for your time and service to our students, staff, families, and community! DID YOU KNOW... -79% of Nebraska’s 1,700 locally elected School Board Members serve at or within 100 miles of where they graduated ... with 51% serving AT the district they graduated from. -74.63% of school board members would you consider themself as someone connected to/engaged in production agriculture or agribusiness -U.S. Senator Deb Fischer was President of NASB in 1998 and served on the Board of Directors from 1994-2000 -58% of school board members have school-aged children in K-12 -68% of board members in Nebraska are between the ages of 36 and 55 -64% of board members have served between 1 to 8 years -4% of Nebraska’s 1,700 school board members have served their board for more than 20 years -On average, a school board in Nebraska is 37% female and 63% male -15% of Nebraska’s school boards are served by a female majority -3 of Nebraska's school boards are all female -6% of Nebraska’s school boards are all male
18 days ago, Emerson-Hubbard Community Schools
school board thanks
TCNE Wolfpack Basketball teams travel to Pender tonight to face the Pendragon is JV and Varsity action! JV girls will tip-off at 4:30 pm playing only 2 quarters followed by the JV boys with 3 quarters. Varsity girls and Varsity boys will round out the night. All games will be played in the new gym. Go Pack Go! Live stream: https://fan.hudl.com/usa/ne/pender/organization/16114/pender-high-school/
18 days ago, Emerson-Hubbard Community Schools
bb at Pender
Battle Night 2025 Date Set! Thursday, March 13, 2025 More information to come!
19 days ago, Lacey Matthews
Battle Night 2025
Congratulations to our Energy Bus Students of the Week for January 20, 2025!
19 days ago, Emerson-Hubbard Elementary
Energy Bus Students of the Week - Week of January 20, 2025
TCNE Wolfpack Basketball teams are on the road tonight in Varsity action against the Walthill BluJays. Varsity girls tip-off at 6 pm with Varsity boys to follow. Go Pack Go! Live Stream: https://www.youtube.com/@walthillschool/streams
19 days ago, Emerson-Hubbard Community Schools
TCNE girls and boys wrestlers are competing on the mats today at the Oakland-Craig Invite. First match set to begin at 9:00 AM. Medal rounds will be broadcast on 107.9 FM radio. Good luck Wolfpack Wrestlers!
21 days ago, Emerson-Hubbard Community Schools
wrestling at Oakland